TO ORDER ONLINE (Credit Card only)

Researchers are welcome to register or log in at the website to place an online order using a credit card.

As a Purchasing Agent/Administrator, you can order online for a researcher in your group. However, you cannot register an account in your name and agree to the DSHB terms of usage required of each first-time customer. To place an online order for your researcher, first have the researcher register at the DSHB website using their name and institutional email address, create a password and agree to the DSHB terms of usage to create an account. 

Once the researcher has established an account, the researcher can provide you with the email and password to allow you to log into the account and place an online order with credit card information for payment.  

Please also provide your email address (Additional Email field) during the checkout process. When you submit the order, the researcher will receive an email order confirmation. When the order is processed, you will both receive a second email with order details and ship date. 

Please note that the DSHB cannot accept phone orders. If unable to order online, the following options are available:


For new customers: please download the [DSHB agreement and order forms].  Choose "open", fill out the form then "save as". From this point you will not be able to edit the saved information on the form, but you will be able to attach the completed form to an email (dshb@uiowa.edu) or print and fax the form. Please send faxes to our secure fax at 1-319-359-4079. The researcher/end user must complete the DSHB Terms of Agreement form to include with the order. Send us the completed forms along with your institution’s purchase order by email  or by secure fax (1-319-359-4079). 

For returning customers: Send the official  purchase order by email  or by secure fax to (1-319-359-4079). Remember to provide the name of the researcher on the purchase order who has previously completed the agreement form.

For Purchasing Agents/Administrators: As the agent, you CANNOT complete the DSHB Terms of Agreement form. The researcher/end user must complete the agreement form.

Note: Failure to include the researcher’s name with an order will cause unnecessary delay. The name of the end user/researcher (with a completed Terms of Agreement form on file) must be clearly indicated on the order form/PO so the order can be processed in a timely manner.


We understand that some institutions do not have the ability to generate an official purchase order.  If this is the case, we will still need to receive the completed agreement form and order form.  Under the purchase order # section of the order form, please list a reference number for us to use when billing you.  When sending the email to us, please tell us that your institution does not provide official purchase orders.  Please also provide us with an email address to send the invoice to.  We will review these orders on a case-by-case basis.


If unable to order online at the DSHB website under the researcher's established account, please send an email to unattended email address DSHB-Forms@uiowa.edu to automatically receive instructions and forms to complete your order.

After you receive the automatic reply from the DSHB-forms email, please complete the order form, agreement form and credit card form and fax the order to our secure fax at 1-319-359-4079.  If this is the researcher’s first order with the DSHB, then the researcher/end user must complete the terms of agreement form.  For any subsequent orders, be sure to include the researcher’s name on the order form accompanied by the completed credit card form. Alternately, we encourage the researcher to register at the DSHB website and place an order online with credit card information.

IMPORTANT: To comply with credit card industry security standards, any email containing credit card information will be deleted. The order will not be processed. Please fax your credit card information, including the order form & agreement form, to our secure fax at 1-319-359-4079. 

As an alternative, customers in the United States and Canada can email the completed agreement and order forms to dshb@uiowa.edu, provide a phone number and request that we call to obtain credit card information. 


Register at the DSHB website to place your order online with an MFK or credit card.