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Roles of FGFR3 during morphogenesis of Meckel's cartilage and mandibular bones.
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The apical ectodermal ridge (AER) can be re-induced by wounding, wnt-2b, and fgf-10 in the chicken limb bud.
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Prolonged effect of BAFF on chicken B cell development revealed by RCAS retroviral gene transfer in vivo.
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Wnts enhance neurotrophin-induced neuronal differentiation in adult bone-marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells via canonical and noncanonical signaling pathways.
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The chicken frizzle feather is due to an α-keratin (KRT75) mutation that causes a defective rachis.
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Regulation of Tbx22 during facial and palatal development.
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A BMP-mediated transcriptional cascade involving Cash1 and Tlx-3 specifies first-order relay sensory neurons in the developing hindbrain.
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Frzb modulates Wnt-9a-mediated beta-catenin signaling during avian atrioventricular cardiac cushion development.
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Defects in chicken neuroretina misexpressing the BMP antagonist Drm/Gremlin.
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Molecular evidence for an activator-inhibitor mechanism in development of embryonic feather branching.
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Morphogenesis of chicken liver: identification of localized growth zones and the role of beta-catenin/Wnt in size regulation.
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RCAS-RNAi: a loss-of-function method for the developing chick retina.
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Differential actions of VEGF-A isoforms on perichondrial angiogenesis during endochondral bone formation.
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Effects of follistatin overexpression on cell differentiation in the chick embryo retina.
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Endogenous expression of ASLV viral proteins in specific pathogen free chicken embryos: relevance for the developmental biology research field.
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Non-cell-autonomous planar cell polarity propagation in the auditory sensory epithelium of vertebrates.
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β-Catenin inactivation is a pre-requisite for chick retina regeneration.
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Shaping organs by a wingless-int/Notch/nonmuscle myosin module which orients feather bud elongation.
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Sustained in vivo inhibition of protein domains using single-chain Fv recombinant antibodies and its application to dissect RGMa activity on axonal outgrowth.
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Hoxa-5 acts in segmented somites to regulate cervical vertebral morphology.
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Distinct susceptibility of developing neurons to death following Bax overexpression in the chicken embryo.
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The hedgehog pathway is a modulator of retina regeneration.
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FGF acts directly on the somitic tendon progenitors through the Ets transcription factors Pea3 and Erm to regulate scleraxis expression.
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NeuroD induces the expression of visinin and calretinin by proliferating cells derived from toxin-damaged chicken retina.
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Assigning the positional identity of spinal motor neurons: rostrocaudal patterning of Hox-c expression by FGFs, Gdf11, and retinoids.
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A search for factors specifying tonotopy implicates DNER in hair-cell development in the chick's cochlea.
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Epitope mapping of monoclonal antibodies to gag protein p19 of avian sarcoma and leukaemia viruses.
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Self-inactivating alpharetroviral vectors with a split-packaging design.
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Genomic organization, transcriptomic analysis, and functional characterization of avian α- and β-keratins in diverse feather forms.
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Cell-autonomous inhibition of alpha 7-containing nicotinic acetylcholine receptors prevents death of parasympathetic neurons during development.
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Knockdown of tissue nonspecific alkaline phosphatase impairs neural stem cell proliferation and differentiation.
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GATA-3 regulates the transcriptional activity of tyrosine hydroxylase by interacting with CREB.
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Twist1 activity thresholds define multiple functions in limb development.
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Repulsive guidance molecule plays multiple roles in neuronal differentiation and axon guidance.
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Expression and function of Dlx genes in the osteoblast lineage.
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Regulation of the noradrenaline neurotransmitter phenotype by the transcription factor AP-2beta.
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Deletion of a Cys-His motif from the Alpharetrovirus nucleocapsid domain reveals late domain mutant-like budding defects.
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Somatic tetraploidy in specific chick retinal ganglion cells induced by nerve growth factor.
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Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 107.1 (2010 Jan 5): 109-14.
Alterations in heart looping induced by overexpression of the tight junction protein Claudin-1 are dependent on its C-terminal cytoplasmic tail.
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Mechanisms of development 123.3 (2006 Mar): 210-27.
cDermo-1 misexpression induces dense dermis, feathers, and scales.
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Developmental biology 277.1 (2005 Jan 1): 42-50.
Integrin alpha4beta1 function is required for cell survival in developing retina.
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Fgf-dependent Etv4/5 activity is required for posterior restriction of Sonic Hedgehog and promoting outgrowth of the vertebrate limb.
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SKI-1 and Furin generate multiple RGMa fragments that regulate axonal growth.
Monnier PP
Developmental cell 22.2 (2012 Feb 14): 391-402.