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SKU: AA4.3

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DSHB Data Sheet

Catalog Fields

Clone ID/Product Name: AA4.3
Available to For-Profits: Yes
Alternate Antibody Name: AA-4.3
Gene Symbol: TBA1
Ab Isotype: MIgG1, kappa light chain
Gene Name:
Antibody Registry ID: AB_579793 
Uniprot ID: P11237 
Entrez Gene ID: 8851752 
Clonality: Monoclonal
Immunogen: flagellar axoneme
Immunogen Sequence: Total protein
Myeloma Strain: P3-X63Ag8
Epitope Mapped: No
Antigen Name: tubulin (alpha-)
Epitope Location or Sequence:
Alternate Antigen Name:
Deposit Date: 12/20/2005
Antigen Molecular Weight: Predicted: 50 kDa; Apparent: 55 kDa
Depositor: Walsh, C.
Antigen Sequence:
Depositor Institution: University of Pittsburgh
Antigen Species: Naegleria gruberi
Depositor Notes:
Host Species: mouse
Hybridoma Cells Available (Non-Profit): Yes
Confirmed Species Reactivity: Broad species, C. elegans, Drosophila melanogaster, Fish, Human, Mammal, Mouse, Plant, Protist, Rat, Worm
Additional Information: Initial characterization [PMID 6363422] performed on Naegleria gruberi tubulins suggested that this antibody target was beta-tubulin. Further characterization [PMID 3654753] demonstrated that the target was alpha-tubulin. This antibody may recognize more than one alpha-tubulin isoform. The gene, Uniprot ID and gene ID associated with this mAb are not exclusive.
Predicted Species Reactivity:  
Human Protein Atlas:  
Additional Characterization:  
Recommended Applications: ELISA, Immunohistochemistry, Immunoprecipitation, Western Blot
All cell products contain the antimicrobial ProClin. Click here for additional information.
These hybridomas were created by your colleagues. Please acknowledge the hybridoma contributor and the Developmental Studies Hybridoma Bank (DSHB) in the Materials and Methods of your publications. Please email the citation to us.
For your Materials & Methods section:
AA4.3 was deposited to the DSHB by Walsh, C. (DSHB Hybridoma Product AA4.3)
Storage and Handling Recommendations
Although many cell products are maintained at 4°C for years without loss of activity, shelf-life at 4°C is highly variable. For immediate use, short term storage at 4°C up to two weeks is recommended. For long term storage, divide the solution into volumes of no less than 20 ul for freezing at -20°C or -80°C. The small volume aliquot should provide sufficient reagent for short term use. Freeze-thaw cycles should be avoided. For concentrate or bioreactor products, an equal volume of glycerol, a cryoprotectant, may be added prior to freezing.
Usage Recommendations
The optimal Ig concentration for an application varies by species and antibody affinity. For each product, the antibody titer must be optimized for every application by the end user laboratory. A good starting concentration for immunohistochemistry (IHC), immunofluorescence (IF), and immunocytochemistry (ICC) when using mouse Ig is 2-5 ug/ml. For western blots, the recommended concentration range of mouse Ig 0.2-0.5 ug/ml. In general, rabbit antibodies demonstrate greater affinity and are used at a magnitude lower Ig concentration for initial testing. The recommended concentrations for rabbit Ig are 0.2-0.5 ug/ml (IF, IHC and ICC) and 20-50 ng/ml (WB).

22 References

  • Initial Publication
  • IF References
  • WB References
  • IHC References
  • ELISA References
  • All References
  • Initial Publication
    IF References
    WB References

    Synthesis and assembly of the cytoskeleton of Naegleria gruberi flagellates.
    Walsh C
    The Journal of cell biology 98.2 (1984 Feb): 449-56.

    mRNAs for alpha- and beta-tubulin and flagellar calmodulin are among those coordinately regulated when Naegleria gruberi amebae differentiate into flagellates.
    Walsh CJ
    The Journal of cell biology 105.3 (1987 Sep): 1303-9.

    DNA damage response is suppressed by the high cyclin-dependent kinase 1 activity in mitotic mammalian cells.
    Zhang P
    The Journal of biological chemistry 286.41 (2011 Oct 14): 35899-35905.

    Temperature-shock induction of multiple flagella induces additional synthesis of flagellum specific mRNAs and tubulin.
    Walsh CJ
    Experimental cell research 314.4 (2008 Feb 15): 896-902.

    Ornithine decarboxylase is upregulated by the androgen receptor in skeletal muscle and regulates myoblast proliferation.
    MacLean HE
    American journal of physiology. Endocrinology and metabolism 301.1 (2011 Jul): E172-9.

    Advantages and limitations of different p62-based assays for estimating autophagic activity in Drosophila.
    Juhasz G
    PloS one 7.8 (2012): e44214.

    Loss of Sarcomere-associated Formins Disrupts Z-line Organization, but does not Prevent Thin Filament Assembly in Caenorhabditis elegans Muscle.
    Pruyne D
    Journal of cytology & histology 6.2 (2015 Mar): .

    Ionizing radiation-induced TAp63α phosphorylation at C-terminal S/TQ motifs requires the N-terminal transactivation (TA) domain.
    Suh EK
    Cell cycle (Georgetown, Tex.) 10.5 (2011 Mar 1): 840-9.

    Targeted rescue of a polycystic kidney disease mutation by lysosomal inhibition.
    Köttgen M
    Kidney international 89.4 (2016 Apr): 949-55.

    Akt phosphorylates both Tsc1 and Tsc2 in Drosophila, but neither phosphorylation is required for normal animal growth.
    Teleman AA
    PloS one 4.7 (2009 Jul 17): e6305.

    A noncompetitive BACE1 inhibitor TAK-070 ameliorates Abeta pathology and behavioral deficits in a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease.
    Miyamoto M
    The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience 30.33 (2010 Aug 18): 11157-66.

    BK channel clustering is required for normal behavioral alcohol sensitivity in C. elegans.
    Kim H
    Scientific reports 9.1 (2019 Jul 15): 10224.

    IHC References
    ELISA References

    Synthesis and assembly of the cytoskeleton of Naegleria gruberi flagellates.
    Walsh C
    The Journal of cell biology 98.2 (1984 Feb): 449-56.

    All References

    Cytoskeletal proteins in thymic epithelial cells of the Australian lungfish Neoceratodus forsteri.
    Joss J
    Journal of anatomy 214.1 (2009 Jan): 140-52.

    Synthesis and assembly of the cytoskeleton of Naegleria gruberi flagellates.
    Walsh C
    The Journal of cell biology 98.2 (1984 Feb): 449-56.

    DNA damage response is suppressed by the high cyclin-dependent kinase 1 activity in mitotic mammalian cells.
    Zhang P
    The Journal of biological chemistry 286.41 (2011 Oct 14): 35899-35905.

    Temperature-shock induction of multiple flagella induces additional synthesis of flagellum specific mRNAs and tubulin.
    Walsh CJ
    Experimental cell research 314.4 (2008 Feb 15): 896-902.

    Noggin and noggin-like genes control dorsoventral axis regeneration in planarians.
    Cebrià F
    Current biology : CB 21.4 (2011 Feb 22): 300-5.

    The structure of the mitotic spindle and nucleolus during mitosis in the amebo-flagellate Naegleria.
    Walsh CJ
    PloS one 7.4 (2012): e34763.

    BicaudalD actively regulates microtubule motor activity in lipid droplet transport.
    Gross SP
    PloS one 3.11 (2008): e3763.

    Cytoskeletal control of nuclear morphology and chromatin organization.
    Shivashankar GV
    Journal of molecular biology 427.3 (2015 Feb 13): 695-706.

    Analysis of the interaction between human RITA and Drosophila Suppressor of Hairless.
    Maier D
    Hereditas 151.6 (2014 Dec): 209-19.

    shot regulates the microtubule reorganization required for localization of axis-determining mRNAs during oogenesis.
    Kim-Ha J
    FEBS letters 590.4 (2016 Feb): 431-44.

    mRNAs for alpha- and beta-tubulin and flagellar calmodulin are among those coordinately regulated when Naegleria gruberi amebae differentiate into flagellates.
    Walsh CJ
    The Journal of cell biology 105.3 (1987 Sep): 1303-9.

    Ornithine decarboxylase is upregulated by the androgen receptor in skeletal muscle and regulates myoblast proliferation.
    MacLean HE
    American journal of physiology. Endocrinology and metabolism 301.1 (2011 Jul): E172-9.

    Advantages and limitations of different p62-based assays for estimating autophagic activity in Drosophila.
    Juhasz G
    PloS one 7.8 (2012): e44214.

    Loss of Sarcomere-associated Formins Disrupts Z-line Organization, but does not Prevent Thin Filament Assembly in Caenorhabditis elegans Muscle.
    Pruyne D
    Journal of cytology & histology 6.2 (2015 Mar): .

    Ionizing radiation-induced TAp63α phosphorylation at C-terminal S/TQ motifs requires the N-terminal transactivation (TA) domain.
    Suh EK
    Cell cycle (Georgetown, Tex.) 10.5 (2011 Mar 1): 840-9.

    Targeted rescue of a polycystic kidney disease mutation by lysosomal inhibition.
    Köttgen M
    Kidney international 89.4 (2016 Apr): 949-55.

    Akt phosphorylates both Tsc1 and Tsc2 in Drosophila, but neither phosphorylation is required for normal animal growth.
    Teleman AA
    PloS one 4.7 (2009 Jul 17): e6305.

    A noncompetitive BACE1 inhibitor TAK-070 ameliorates Abeta pathology and behavioral deficits in a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease.
    Miyamoto M
    The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience 30.33 (2010 Aug 18): 11157-66.

    BK channel clustering is required for normal behavioral alcohol sensitivity in C. elegans.
    Kim H
    Scientific reports 9.1 (2019 Jul 15): 10224.

    Cortical mechanics and meiosis II completion in mammalian oocytes are mediated by myosin-II and Ezrin-Radixin-Moesin (ERM) proteins.
    Evans JP
    Molecular biology of the cell 21.18 (2010 Sep 15): 3182-92.

    Drosophila clueless is highly expressed in larval neuroblasts, affects mitochondrial localization and suppresses mitochondrial oxidative damage.
    Cox RT
    PloS one 8.1 (2013): e54283.

    Drosophila Xpd regulates Cdk7 localization, mitotic kinase activity, spindle dynamics, and chromosome segregation.
    Suter B
    PLoS genetics 6.3 (2010 Mar 12): e1000876.

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